If your a model do you need a headshot? The answer is Yes. Along with you modeling portfolio its a good idea to have a comp card or a headshot as a part of your self promotion materials. However, the right headshot will make sure the casting directors look at you twice, as a bad headshot only find the round file. The right headshot can be your foot in the door. I have a good friend who works in casting, the one great tip that she gives to models, and actors is " make sure your headshot looks like you" she says you will be surprised at how many people show up to castings with either an outdated headshot, or an overly photoshopped image. (posted by headshot photographer Kerry James of Kerry-James.Com)
Fast Tip... This video with Liz Fuller has some great pointers to how to arrange your headshot in your portfolio, and how to figure out what type of headshot you need to take for you style and career. Great quick information, Kerry James Photography
Well after some procrastination, I have decided to start my Los Angeles Headshots Blog. First let me introduce myself, I'm Kerry James a Los Angeles native, "Wow!" I know who is really from Los Angeles, there are a few of us. First please forgive me I'm a Photographer not a journalist, so my typing and punctuation is not the best, so my blog may take on a casual email style "lol" so there you go, enough of that now lets talk Headshots. I will post information or things that I think are interesting about the complicated world of Photography and Headshots. I just finished us a shoot with a client who not an actor, or model, but an executive, so she gets the first post. Coming up next I'll post about my lighting setups...